Express Uninstaller 3.0

Express Uninstaller uninstalls the software and makes a deep scanning of your PC to find any unnecessary items the program is leaving behind. Finding and removing these unnecessary items frees up disk space and helps to keep your PC clean and optimized.

Key features:

Cleanly uninstalls programs;
Faster start up and shutdown speeds;
Remove toolbars and plugins;
Keep your PC clean and secure by removing junk files and potential privacy risks;
Easy to use.
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5 votes Vote

show the software version number with each installed program

Please include the software version number with each installed program. Using the uninstaller is then a quick reference guide showing which version is installed so you can see if your program needs to be updated.
mykesbytes, 29.05.2016, 10:59
1 comment
1 vote Vote

a selective cleanup option is important

The scan to fix problems doesn't identify each specific problem and give you the chance to select which items you want to fix. It's and all-or-nothing option, and most people would prefer to have some control over the selection.
jeth, 30.05.2016, 07:33
1 comment